Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Star Wars Battlefront

Relevance to Films:

Battlefront takes place before time frame of original trilogy, described as prequel era. During time of Clone Wars, far before Episode IV: A New Hope.


Early developed graphics system. Character avatars blocky and generally shape-like in design. Each faction noticeably different from next. Each weapon noticeably different from every other. Clothing and armor for each class within particular factions differ in color, and size. Environments are detailed well, battle damage affects initial design layout.


Four separate modes of gameplay. Campaign Mode, Galactic Conquest Mode, Instant Action and Muliplayer. Each game mode pits two factions against each other. Campaign Mode follows historic timeline of either Galactic Civil War or Clone War. Galactic Conquest Mode enables player to strategically take control of planets in given regions of galaxy until all planets fall under their control. Instant Action drops player into any battle they so choose. Multiplayer pits players from around the world in battle at any location in game.


Player, in all game modes, chooses one of five different classes among given faction to battle with. Game pits two factions against one another with set amount of reinforcements. Whichever faction runs out of  reinforcements first, loses. Around each battlefield are Command Posts which player or teammates can capture, and claim as their own. After each command post is seized, player and teammates spawn at new location, but opposing faction may still take command post back. If all command posts belong to one faction, battle over. Several vehicles in game aid each faction either in additional speed or firepower. During battles, special characters spawn for temporary use by player. Jedi including Count Dooku, Mace Windu, and Luke Skywalker are playable in game.


Each class among faction use different weaponry and wear different armor. Certain classes aid more at specific times. General soldier class is effective for standard kill tactics. Grenadier class is effective for vehicle demolition. Loot is dropped after enemy death, providing extra ammo, armor, and health when supplies run low.

System Interface:

Game made avaliable for XBOX, PS2, PSP, and PC. Game runs much smoother on gaming systems, rather than on PC. Lag affects game quality while playing on PC, particularly in Multiplayer mode. XBOX, PS2, and PSP systems do not experience this drawback.

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